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Tooth & Nail in January

7 december 2008

Written and directed by Mark Young (Southern Gothic) and starring Nicole DuPort (also Southern Gothic), Rider Strong (Borderland; Cabin Fever), Rachel Miner (Californication), Robert Carradine (Hoboken Hollow; Ghosts Of Mars), Michael Madsen (Reservoir Dogs; Sin City), Vinnie Jones (Survive Style 5+, some footballing stuff) and Michael Kelly (Changeling), the post-apocalyptic shocker Tooth & Nail presents a nightmare vision of a near-future world where for s portion of the population, cannibalism has become second nature.

The year is 2012 and the world's gasoline supplies have finally run dry, initiating panic-fuelled anarchy and a total breakdown of civilization. In an abandoned hospital on the outskirts of Philadelphia, a small group of survivors of the ensuing chaos have taken refuge, hoping one day to rebuild some semblance of a society. While searching the nearby streets for any supplies they can find, they discover a badly beaten girl (Miner) and take her back to the hospital to look after her. It is only later that they discover they have been followed by a savage band of cannibals known as Rovers, led by the sadistic Jackal (Madsen). Each day, the Rovers launch an assault on the hospital, taking out the still-civilized survivors one by one in order to maintain a steady supply of fresh human meat. As their numbers begin to dwindle rapidly, those will some sense of humanity left are forced to make a choice between running and hiding or standing their ground and fighting tooth and nail.

Tooth & Nail (cert. 15) will be released on UK DVD by Showbox Home Entertainment on 26th January 2009 at the RRP of £15.99. Special Features include a making-of featurette entitled Do Or Die. Both Dolby Digital 5.1 surround and stereo 2.tracks are on offer.