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March 2023
#42: Reviews and news coverage in the coming month
Slarek | 10 March 2023
In a rare blog not cataloguing his latest disaster, Slarek reveals why the posting of new reviews may or may not be a little spotty in the coming weeks, and reflects on how being a bad traveller and an accidental isolationist can cause you to fret over the smallest things.

September 2022
#41: A series of unfortunate events
Slarek | 5 September 2022
With the site seriously stuttering for the second time in two months, a post-operative Slarek recalls how he was tripped up, first by corporate software issues, and then by a large incision made into his lower abdomen, and how both have impacted on his productivity.

June 2022
#40: DV and decreasing technological lifespans
Slarek | 7 June 2022
A single comment made in a special feature on a recent Blu-ray disc struck a chord with Slarek, prompting a reflection on the increasingly rapid changing face of technology, and how the resulting obsolescence of equipment nearly transformed precious memories into inaccessible paperweights.

May 2022
#37: Getting my teeth into late reviews
Slarek | 4 May 2022
In his first blog in three months, Slarek outlines in unnecessarily unpleasant detail just why some reviews that were due to be posted recently have been so delayed and why things should soon be back to normal on that front.

February 2022
#36: A companion piece ("It's time to cleave to 'capsule' if you dare…")
Slarek | 4 February 2022
Inspired by Slarek's recent blog regarding his January viewing, Camus offers a collection of capsule reviews of 12 films that he has watched recently but not reviewed, and what was originally designed to be a brief round-up expanded – in the tradition of this site – into something more substantial.
#35: The current state of play and a few January movies
Slarek | 2 February 2022
After a gap of over a year and following on from his usual end-of-year round-up and moan at himself and the state of the country, Slarek has rebooted the Outsider blog to outline what's in the review pipeline and look back at some of the films he watched in January.

November 2020
#34: Lockdown lovely box set blues
Slarek | 17 November 2020
It's happening again with no new reviews posted for two weeks, but it's not for the want of trying this time. In a postponed blog, Slarek muses on why richly featured, multi-film box sets are great for film fans but huge time hoggers for disc reviewers.

September 2020
#33: Late September, early October
Slarek | 11 September 2020
In his latest blog, site editor Slarek gives a shout out to two modern biographical documentaries that recently also became posthumous tributes, frets over the loss of an American Supreme Court Justice, and looks forward to the upcoming London Film Festival.
#32: From the pandemic ashes
Slarek | 11 September 2020
Following another period of site inactivity, Slarek faces up to the unexpected impact that Covid-enforced isolation has had on him and his productivity, gets pissed off at government incompetence and makes a plea on behalf of those for whom normality shows no sign of returning.

May 2020
#31: You lucky, lucky bastard
Slarek | 24 May 2020
In a flipside follow-up to his previous blog, Slarek takes a look at a few of the positive things he will take from the current enforced lockdown and makes note of a few things he genuinely has to be grateful for.
#30: Lockdown slowdown
Slarek | 10 May 2020
In a much-delayed blog, Slarek reflects on some unexpected effects of the current lockdown, its impact in his health, how that has led to a delay in the posting of reviews, and why digging out his tools and some wood to build a plinth has really helped. Oh, and why you should never trust this government on anything...

March 2020
#29: Going Viral
Slarek | 22 March 2020
In these unprecedented times, Slarek takes a moment to reflect on the impact the Covid-19 virus is having on society, cinema and the two indivudually isolated individuals who are currently keeping Cine Outsider ticking over.

February 2020
#28: The circus is over – a tribute to Kirk Douglas
Slarek | 9 February 2020
More pledges broken. In an effort to kickstart the weekly blogs that he promised himself he would deliver weekly this year (oh do be serious), Slarek takes a brief break from reviewing to pay tribute to Kirk Douglas, who died this week aged 103.

December 2019
#27: December reviews and a possible two-tier review system
Slarek | 9 December 2019
With few reviewers and limited free time, we only get to cover a small number of the discs that are offered or sent to us. In a seriously overdue blog, Slarek outlines how things will run for the rest of this month and proposes a possible new review tier.

August 2019
#26: Bloody Terror and the recent scarcity of new reviews
Slarek | 10 August 2019
Reviews have been a bit thin on the ground of late. In our latest blog, Slarek briefly outlines why and explains why our upcoming review for Indicator's new Norman J Warren box is going to be posted a little differently to the site norm.

July 2019
#25: Cujo and the problem of how to end a movie
Slarek | 7 July 2019
In a hugely belated blog, Slarek belatedly follows up his review of Eureka's Blu-ray release of Lewis Teague's excellent Cujo with a spoiler-littered look at some issues he has with with the film's final scene and how ending a movie well can sometimes prove a challenge.

April 2019
#24: Fortune favours the other bloke
Slarek | 27 April 2019
Regular readers will be aware that reviews have not so much been thin on the ground of late, but appeared to have ceased. In a long overdue blog, Slarek reflects on why his trip to Japan left him with less free time than he was expecting, and reveals why he's struggled with reviewing discs since his return.

March 2019
#23: Family issues and Eastern promise
Slarek | 11 March 2019
And once again the site has ground to a halt. In a blog that was due to be posted yesterday, Slarek outlines why family issues and an impending trip to far-away lands has led to a recent lack of reviews and stories, and looks forward to more activity in the near future.

January 2019
#22: The future of physical media (maybe)
Slarek | 6 January 2019
In his first blog of 2019, the news that retailer HMV has gone into administration prompts Slarek to reflect on a serious decline in physical media sales and the rise in digital as a delivery system, and how it might impact on the future for Blu-ray and DVD as home entertainment formats.

September 2018
#21: Recent issues and the current state of play
Slarek | 23 September 2018
In what is only his second blog of the year, Slarek outlines why there have been no blogs for the past six months, looks at what has changed with the site in recent years and looks forward to what does and probably does not lay ahead for Cine Outsider.

March 2018
#20: Has the site shut down? No, it just looks that way
Slarek | 3 March 2018
It doesn't take a genius to realise that activity on the site has ground to a halt in the past week and I've no doubt regulars are wondering what is happening. In a brief but overdue blog, Slarek outlines what's going on.

December 2017
#19: Saying goodbye to a neutral net
Slarek | 17 December 2017
In a week where the Federal Communications Commission went against the wishes of the American people in favour of a handful of giant corporations, Slarek ponders of the negative impact of repealing Net Neutrality.
#18: Reviews we've recently missed (that might still appear)
Slarek | 3 December 2017
With his review time currently rationed due to personal circumstances, Slarek uses this week's blog to give a shout for a small number of excellent but currently unreviewed (by us, at least) titles from Arrow, Eureka and Indicator.

November 2017
#17: That was the month that was
Slarek | 19 November 2017
Updates to the site have been getting fewer and further between of late. After some conscience wrangling, site editor Slarek has decided to get personal and come clean about the reasons, and how they will impact on reviews for the immediate future.

October 2017
#16: You can't film here
Slarek | 8 October 2017
In this week's blog, Slarek reflects on the problems facing independent and low-budget filmmakers created by the rise of pseudo-public spaces, and recalls a couple of times he fell foul of this phenomenon.

September 2017
#15: A tribute to Harry Dean Stanton
Slarek | 24 September 2017
A week after we learned of the death of one of the all-time great American character actors, Slarek outlines why the tribute is late and picks a handful of his favourite Stanton film roles.
#14: The state of play and Indicator's move to Blu-ray only
Slarek | 17 September 2017
In a sorely delayed revival of our weekend blog, Slarek outlines the real world problems that continue to impact on the maintenance of the site, and reflects on Indicator's decision to release titles on Blu-ray only from this point on.

July 2017
#13: The current site situation and visual style in documentaries
Slarek | 9 July 2017
In this week's blog, Slarek provides an update site work and how it's being affected by his home situation, and wonders if it matters whether a documentary feature plays it by the numbers if the content is worthwhile.
#12: For the love of Harryhausen
Slarek | 2 July 2017
As we put the final touches to our detailed review of Indicator's glorious Sinbad Trilogy box set, Slarek reflects on his love of Ray Harryhausen movies and wonders how they play to those for whom slick CG animation is the norm.

June 2017
#11: Discovering Buñuel from opposite ends of a life in film
Slarek | 19 June 2017
Following on from his review of the new Masters of Cinema dual format release of Death in the Garden, Slarek looks back at the two films through which he discovered the cinema of one of his favourite filmmakers, Luis Buñuel.

May 2017
#10: Twin Peaks and subscription madness
Slarek | 28 May 2017
As Twin Peaks returns after 26 years under the guiding hands of creators David Lynch and Mark Frost, Slarek lreveals why he won't be watching a series he's been looking forward to seeing for some least not yet.
#9: Why The Lady From Shanghai continues to fry my brain
Slarek | 21 May 2017
After posting his review of the Indicator Blu-ray of Orson Welles' The Lady from Shanghai, Slarek discovered that rewatching the film suggests a whole new way of reading key aspects of its complex plot. Or does it?
#8: Something Wild: a tribute to Jonathan Demme
Slarek | 1 May 2017
In week when we sadly lost one of the most creative graduates of the Roger Corman Film School, Slarek restarts the weekend blog a day later than planned to pay tribute to the late, great Jonathan Demme.

March 2017
#7: Why the recent lack of blogs?
Slarek | 5 March 2017
At the end of last year Slarek announced there would be a weekly blog, but for the past few weeks it's not been posted. Here Slarek briefly shares the personal reasons for this lack of literary activity.

January 2017
#6: Remembering the great John Hurt
Slarek | 29 January 2017
As January comes to a close, Camus and Slarek use this week's blog spot to remember and pay tribute to one of our greatest character actors, who passed away on Friday aged 77, and recall some of their favourite Hurt performances.
#5: The difficulty of making best-of-year lists if you've not seen all the films released that year
Slarek | 15 January 2017
In this week's blog, Slarek reflects on the problem on drawing up a pick-of-the-year list when the chances are you've not seen all the films that might qualify.
#4: The first week of watching at least one film a day
Slarek | 15 January 2017
With just an hour to go before he risks breaking his pledge to post a blog every weekend, Slarek looks back at his first week chasing another set target, to watch at least one film every day.
#3: Waking the site from holiday slumber / 10-day movie binge / watch one film a day
Slarek | 8 January 2017
As the site slowly wakes up from its winter holiday slumber, Slarek reflects on a 10-day binge of movie watching that has seen him set himself a target of finding time to watch at least one film a day, and has a brief round-up of immediately upcoming reviews.
#2: Numbers / end-of-year round-ups / site redesign (the lack of)
Slarek | 1 January 2017
In our first weekly blog of 2017, Slarek reveals when his end-of-year round-up is coming, questions why we feel the need to categorise things by the year in which they happen and gets humble about the lack of a site redesign.

December 2016
#1: Getting started / reviews & reviewers / Killswitch & the Snooper's Charter
Slarek | 25 December 2016
In the first of what is promised to be a regular weekly blog, Slarek outlines why the column has come about and kicks things off with a quick note about reviews and reviewers and documentaries on the surveillance society.

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