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Warn That Man & Night Birds on DVD/Blu-ray in February

19 January 2015

Network have announced a further two titles in their ongoing 'The British Film' collection: Warn That Man, a 1943 thriller based on the play imagining a Nazi plot to kill Winston Churchill; and Night Birds, a rare British thriller directed by Richard Eichberg.


Warn That Man (1943)

At the height of World War II, the Germans discover that a certain British personage is to stay at the country house of Lord Buckley. They devise a plan whereby they will kidnap the real Lord Buckley, and send to England an actor who will masquerade, lie in wait for the visitor with a number of gunmen, and take him back to Germany.

This intriguing wartime thriller from 1943 adapts Vernon Sylvaine’s stage play imagining a Nazi plot to kidnap Winston Churchill – a plotline famously revisited more than three decades later in The Eagle Has Landed. Blending keen suspense and defiant humour in equal measure, Warn That Man sees "professional Cockney" and box office favourite Gordon Harker (The Farmer’s Wife, The Ring) starring alongside Canadian-born Raymond Lovell (49th Parallel, Caesar And Cleopatra) and British film stalwart Finlay Currie (Ben-Hur, Great Expectations).

Warn That Man will be released on on 16th February 2015 Blu-ray at the RRP of £14.99, and DVD at the RRP of £9.99, courtesy of Network’s ‘The British Film’ collection. The film is presented here in a brand-new transfer from the original elements in its as-exhibited theatrical aspect ratio.

The only extra feature is the original theatrical programme PDF.


Night Birds (1930)

Scotland Yard is seriously concerned over the exploits of the notorious "Flash Jack" - a criminal gang leader who preys on the wealthy. At large in London, his criminal activities show no signs of stopping, and so Detective Cross is assigned to the case.

A rare British thriller from the dawn of the "talkies", Night Birds (PG) stars transatlantic actor Jack Raine (Julius Caesar, Quartet) as intrepid Detective Harry Cross.

Night Birds was one of several films made in bilingual form by BIP – with a partly German crew – during this period, this exceptionally rare film is presented here in a brand-new transfer from the original film elements, in its as-exhibited theatrical aspect ratio. It will be released on UK DVD by Network on 16th February 2015 at the RRP of £9.99, as part of ‘The British Film’ collection.

The single extra features is an alternate ending (mute).