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Sam Fuller's classic western Forty Guns on dual format in June

28 April 2015

Eureka! Entertainment have announced the June dual format release of Samuel Fuller’s Forty Guns, the classic 1957 western starring Barbara Stanwyck, Barry Sullivan and Dean Jagger.

One of the very best films by the uncompromising American director Samuel Fuller (it's also one of the very best, and most iconoclastic, Westerns ever conceived) was also a mid-career triumph for the brilliant Barbara Stanwyck. Forty Guns finds Fuller at the height of his game.

Jessica Drummond (Stanwyck, with her iconic night-nurse babyface) is avatar of the consummate Brooklynite, transplanted here to the dusty crags of the West – Cochise County, Arizona, to be precise – where as a wealthy landowner she exerts a powerful influence over town affairs and commands a league of some "forty guns" to enact her will. The appearance of interloper Griff (a character name that recurs throughout all of Fuller’s body of work, embodied this time by Barry Sullivan) precipitates Jessica’s domain’s slide into chaos...

Originally intended by Fuller to be titled The Woman with a Whip (oh how cool would that have been?), Forty Guns represents an apex of Twentieth Century Fox’s filmmaking while the studio era still shone.

Forty Guns will be released on UK dual format (Blu-ray and DVD) on 22nd June 2015 by Eureka! Entertainment as part of the Masters of Cinema series at the RRP of £17.99.

Special features will include:

  • Audio interview with Samuel Fuller from 1969 at the National Film Theatre in London

  • Video interview with film critic Jean-Louis Leutrat

  • Theatrical trailer

  • A booklet featuring new writing by Stephane Joudet, an extract from Samuel Fuller's autobiography, and rare archival imagery